Frequently Asked Questions

I don’t have any upper body strength. Can I still do pole?

Don't worry! You do not need any upper body strength to be able to take our intro classes. Then as you come to class, you will get stronger.

Should I lose weight before I take a pole class?

No! Just like you wouldn't say, "I need to lose weight in order to go to the gym" you don't need to lose weight to take a class. This is a fitness program and EVERY BODY is welcome. We will help you to find options that are best for you as you progress along your journey.

What class should I take first?

If you are new to vertical fitness, you should take V101. This class is for first time beginners and will walk you through how to move with the pole.

What should I wear to class?

Short spandex shorts, tank top and sports bra, no lotion or jewelry. Bring a water bottle. You do not need high heels for your first class.