Vertica Classes

Safe, Fun and Effective.

Welcome to your newest addiction.

The Program

  • Fit Classes

    V-Fit Max Classes : Conditioning classes done on a pole. Using gravity and your body weight, you will challenge your muscles in ways you have never done before.

    V-Flex Classes: Stretch, lengthen, and strengthen your muscles to allow you to improve your range of motion and stability so you can do the poses on the pole.

  • Flirt Classes

    V-ography Classes: Dance and choreography classes that enable you to connect with your body, feel beautiful, and reclaim your passion for life through sensual movement.

    Flirty Fitness: A cardio dance party in heels! Our signature course that recreates a night club atmosphere of disco lights, pumping music, and uninhibited movement. Follow along to fun choreography while you work up a sweat.

  • Fly Classes

    Leveled skill classes that will take you from the very basics all the way to advanced spins, tricks, and poses.

    Fly classes are offered in beginning to advanced classes and work off our signature curriculum that will teach you how to DEFY gravity.

The Promise

Give us three times a week for three months and you will be doing things you never thought were possible.

That’s all it takes to create massive change and unleash your highest potential- on and off the pole.

Try a class

Anyone can do vertical fitness. And everyone will love it. 

We invite you to come in and try a class for free!